Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stock Market Exchange

It's a real shame that I had to pull out of my investment so soon. Especially when it was to my impression that my return would at least gain some sort of momentum, but I sit here with little to nothing. If anything, I just went backwards in the endeavors to play my cards right.

The hardest part is that, unlike other stock holds, I can't look into the past and see the history of what other investors have put in or taken out of.

I abhor the fact that I have so much faith in every stock I invest in. I have complete faith and no fear that I will have a good return, at least for the short run if that is all I have the opportunity to share.

It's the feeling of waking up, every morning to think. How will my investment yield today? Having hope, being excited.

Then there's the slow fade of seeing the rapid decline of my investments worth to the stock holder, and the fast incline of others who have lost faith and trust in their shares.

I hoped at least for a Hedge Fund. But now that I for myself have discovered a history of Hostile Takeover, I realize that I have no control over the rate of my return.

It has amounted to just an illusion of potential.

Perhaps it's time to put more investment in the stock hold of my own domain.

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