I hope that I would be one of the few that do just the very thing most forget to ignite for the fire of fate and destiny . I pray and wish on every shooting star I see that I am going down the right path. This path I have chosen by guidance of eternal light is the way i shall learn to apply the specific action necessary to support my faith.
Faith without action is dead. And what is dead? Nothingness, the end, a place of solitude and isolation for the returning of one's being to the dust. From there we came and to there we shall return. Death is a strange thing. It must be faced at one point or another in life.
My dog recently died. She'd been around since childhood. Cocoa. "Brownie Scout," as I would call her. Visiting her burial site for the first time was an interesting experience. The very first visit to a site of burial. I'd seen people talk to their grandparents
and friends in movies, but I sat there and talked to my "Brownie Scout." I could swear to you that her spirit was right there with me, and she was happy to have such a beautiful place of rest. She would protect the land forever. Not only that, but she and her spirit would protect me as well, wherever I am.
It certainly takes some dose of faith to believe that death is a part of life. It's the beginning for the end of beginning.
I have faith. It's no doubt about that. There is absolute evidence: a supernatural plot is in order for my future. According to the amount of opposition by means of awkward and frustrating detours, malicious decoys, and heavy attempts to impose temptation, I can discern that my greatest enemy is on a path to sneak in through the cracks. At my weakest point, I am surrounded.
But not so fast. At the trudging times of questioning, how this, how that, why this why that, I have to take a break from the rhetorically bland pattern of conscious ponder, and shake my own life up a bit by doing the one thing that is most hard for me, an A.D.D. brain, to do...
Ugh, I hate it. Being still is positively the one thing everything in the world tries to offend. We must always be doing SOMETHING AT ALL TIMES, right??? Maybe? Maybe...not.
I try, try to just be still for a minute and just breathe. Let me tell you it works. I discovered a new breathing technique of my own and it feels as if I am transferring the very life I live to the outer parts of my body that lack enough oxygen to function.
I graze the surface of understanding in this current trial of temptation. It's silly, really. I could have just said "Okay" to the random guy talking to me through the window while I'm at the Chick-Fil-A drive through. All he wanted was to sit and eat. But that is not what he really wanted.
Thank God for the famous words...

Let me tell you. Those are the famous last words I will have for the enemy. What I really am doing in life is working in this dress rehearsal for eternity. And I am definitely not going to be running around reckless just because I want to have a "good time" here and now. Here and now is the foreshadowing result of a period in time.
Now to figure out just a glimpse of the action to take. There are many pathways of dedication, choices, and even different environments of time and energy to disperse.
I know it is tiresome to disperse time and energy, so I am working towards the laser-beam of focused action.. so to speak.
I live by a simple yet humbling saying....
"Trust in not your own understanding but in the hands of the heart keeper so that in all your ways there will be an entrusted life will. In that direct order your path shall be well illuminated and gifted with a mystic guide for your life of labyrinth love."
Never underestimate the power of asking. Those who never ask for help, never get any. May there be belief to have faith and conscious relief.
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