If one goes about life demanding perfection from the nouns of this world, the prospected personal outcome should be an expectation of failure and sincere disappointment. Never an absolution for the endless bondage of humanity.
Seek the nouns not of this world, but of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. It will be then that everything else will add unto you. To the likeness of your being, live in fear and wonder of the source and form that gives. Be curious of the gravity keeping all things in tact. Embrace the invisible, and yet very evident God who creates, and gives freedom to both create and destroy.
Make a choice to chose the pathway of destruction or creation. Free will is a powerful adversary to the future of our God-like DNA. Trace your steps back to childhood, and the wonder of your imagination. Be brave, be quite like a child, and never underestimate the gravity of the small voice inside.
Take time to be awake. Take time to rest, and take time to close your eyes on a world to open them to another. Gather your thoughts, place them in a vessel and transport to the specific name of your Creator.
Be careful of speaking into the wilderness and universe can seem to behold "positivity," to understand that positive energy does not attract positive energy, but negative. Gravity establishes a grounding for chaos in the universe.
Study the gravity of your life. What are the invisible roots that do or do not tie you to the ground of your being?
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