The people of every nation stood before the Almighty Lord at the end of time, with anticipation of the ultimate discovery-- "our names are surely inscribed in the book of life." I could not fathom the number of mortal men and women arranged in this line, expecting, with ease, to cross the threshold into paradise as they approached the pearly gates of Heaven. Oh, how distressing it would be, I thought, when the self indulgently confident individuals came to approach their uncharitable expectations and were undoubtedly and lucidly by declined of their defenseless petition of reclamation to the refined providence of paradise. As much as they endeavored, there was no toleration of any appeal or bribe.
It had been too late.
Mourning and wailing of the powerless souls began to ring in the ears of every individual that had denied Christ, the Savior of their unbelieving souls. Their rejection of redemption through God's grace and their lack of remorse of their wickedness handed over the key of their hearts to the King of Lies, who like blazes, carried into the depths of eternal damnation their souls to the lake of fire. Their immortal spirit would eternally receive the justified consequences of their sensual transgressions executed in their one and only chance to live. Each soul reminisced about their life on earth, comparing it to heaven in contrast to the place where they would die forever. Their souls embraced eternity, as their life became forever perishable by the flame in the depths of the bottomless pit of the abyss.
Repent of your sins and walk with God. He loves you and has saved the world from this torment and inevitable consequence by the sacrifice of his one and only perfect son. He lived and died for you. God, himself, died for the ungodly, so that we may have life through Jesus Christ. I could not stand going to heaven knowing that I ever ignored someone or never shared this truth with them, realizing that I may never ever see again some of the people I know today. Christ finished the puzzle. We were all separated from God because of sin and Christ provided a way to accessing God the Father. Christ was the Perfect sacrifice, with no blemish or sin. His perfection granted us the way to everlasting life if we confide in him and turn from our selfish ways in dying spiritually so that the Holy Spirit may dwell in us. We have the second half and gift of his puzzle of responding to him through our part of a relationship with him. Not all will chose this life but I can say that one day I will spend eternity with many others who are resting their souls in the peace and love of God's everlasting Kingdom. Join me. Live for Christ now so you won't be the soul that does not exist in the book of life.
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