I love watching Disney Movies.
They teach you so many life lessons!!! No, seriously! But it's not a bad thing, I promise you. As much as some parents out there want to guard their childrens' hearts from all the evil in the world by preventing them from watching these films, promise me... there is already too much your children already know just by living in this world.
This cute little adorable fish above has an addiction... and has sharing issues. MINE MINE MINE!!! Oh wait that is the line of these dudes...

What will we do?
Fact: Nemo could do exactly what he wanted to do.
Fact: Dad was super protective and extremely fearful of everything in the sea.
Fact: You gotta let your kid swim, and learn some lessons on their own, or else they are just gonna get pissed and run away.
If anything, pay attention to your kids when they are doing something out of the ordinary. When you find that unordinary seed in your child, nourish it, feed it, and exercise it. Every time you say no, they are just going to tag that sticky NO(te) to their self reminder board of dashed dreams and desires.
True Story:
I met a 10 year old kid on set. We talked about all sorts of things, and I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Cutest kid ever! He shyly replied without hesitation,
"I want to be an inventor."
His sister mentioned a flying chair concept he came up with and he was quick to explain the entire thing. Genius kid.
My face probably lit up because I know my heart was really excited about all of this, asking
"Do you write all your ideas down?"
"Oh, all the time," he smiled. That sweet smile on his face soon disappeared to leave a saddened look in his eyes...something I could see into his soul about, as he continued,
"Because when you grow up you forget what it's like to have an imagination."
As I'm sure your's is right now, my heart sunk to the bottom of my soul like the anchor of a butt... I mean boat.

So next time you are doing something random, and you kid says something like,
'Mommy look at this house I built!' or 'I'm a doctor!' or 'I can count to 50 really fast!' or 'I painted the waffle tower!' you better stop dead in your tracks, turn from your random order of business and praise your child for being so amazing.
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