Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How does ∞ apply to your life? How do you find it???

Note: Question me how I know what I write and I will say, " How I have the ability to know this I'll never understand." Ask me how I was able to even grasp such a powerful mindset. I'll tell you "Ask, believe, and you will receive."

I never really used to believe that I was really smart. I struggled and school and I hated math and grammar with a passion. What do they have in common? Formality, symmetry, structure. Bleh!

For years and years I tried to live my life by coloring in the lines, so to speak. My best
attributes were in art class and ceramics, but because my freedom to express in abstract
perspective was suppressed, I had not a choice but to color in the lines and make everything as perfect as possible. My share of friends and circle of dependency made an impact on my expression for sure, but I know for a fact that I had been, for a very long time, streamlined and mainstreamed for a sedentary educational experience.

Once a free child long ago, my life dramatically altered in schooling years. As soon as I could recite the abc's I was set firmly on a conveyer belt of "knowledge" and "education," suitable for making me into one of many:

Let's just say I was one of few individuals that not only passed this expectation, but learned also the integration of life skills and personal mind-set attributes for life. The latter is tossed out of today's "critical thinkers' agenda." The main point washed out long ago began a domino effect of blindness. There are few whos' are opened to see brainwashed undertones of the entire schooling system. I would be one of them.

This goes back to MLK's speech on the purpose of education. Our class had an essay assignment to analyze the topic, and wouldn't you know I only got a B on it. Typical. I know for a fact that MLK was genius! In fact, he had the mindset to live above and beyond what education would allow, and people did not like that idea at all! It can be observed that a population of discrimination was in regards to race, but a greater matter-of-fact may be that he was denounced because of his ability to know more than he should.

People who know too much are heard of in society for a short while, and they are even taught within the school system. The difference is the expressed truth in their life. Facts are erased and stories are taught in ways the mainstream would like figures of success to be portrayed.

I never knew up until the 19th or 20th year of my life that Albert Einsten was regarded as being stupid in his schooling years. They talk about his success and scientific discoveries, but they never mentioned in school books that he was, in fact, an outcast.

I'm happy that I found this out within my young adult years. Who knows where I would be if I had drained my conscious by doing the one thing I don't want to do..."GO TO COLLEGE." If my life depended on it I would not go to college for the purpose of living a good live the american dream... (or scheme. ) Sure, I'll learn what I need for trade, but all together college would not fulfill the gaping hole in my life to have success, or happiness, or joy. My success is not the world's success...or even my own for that matter.

My deep light understanding of understanding is that one's success alone cannot be established by one's little lonesome self. If you want something, you're gonna have to give at some point in your life.

I was prompted the question during a fascinating conversation on set of this amazing 1940's film last week. Note: Conversations on set are of rather dimensional degree. In the business of relating, the diversity of chit-chat among many creative beings withdraws a heavy sensation of vibrations in the atmosphere.

"Why do you want to be married?" the young missionary chap asked. "What are you looking to find in a marriage?"

Oh crap. I had no idea what to say, judged by the schmeared muscle formality of my forehead, the tingling flow of life in my veins, and my inability to breathe or speak...all in the same moment in spacious time. I had no idea what to say. I guessed I always knew, but I certainly didn't. Obviously, I had some hard core discovery, meditation, prayer, and unconstricted
thinking to do.

Thoughts: At least I was in peace with life when he asked. It was evident by the glorious expanse of red velvet and the old-time movie screen. Nothing to know but that I was where I was meant to be at that particular point in time. The intersection of purpose and dreams. I had felt no greater confirmation in life than to be challenged in faith during that resonating peace.

I'll have to admit... times of growth cause the silt and sludge of your inmost being to awaken. Comfort is as if you left a pile of dirty laundry in the closed and it reeked for a week and then the smell just became familiar. Growth is when somebody new might just be a part of your life and you'd be terrified if they ever saw what was in that closet. The right and natural thing to do would be to start cleaning and restoring every bit of your existence to leave nothing in access but a willing heart and a clean start... for something entirely brand new. (To never go back...ever again) 180°.

All the cleaning in my material life and thought life to realize there was some cleaning going on in my spiritual life, that very day.

The only difference is that I am not doing the cleaning. Interesting. I'll tell you how.

I responded to the young missionary that I had never thought about that particular answer before and we talked all the more about life and happen-stances of circumstances that are completely out of our control. Family, friends, relationships, work... we can have some odd idea of how something is going to turn out based on our goal making decisions, but there is no absolute knowing of resolution.

Before I could even go on with my life, the young missionary had figured me out! Take this to heart and soul... If you listen to someones heart, you might actually be able to see it. I suppose that is what happened and while it was very different at first, I began to see things all different.

I learned, as I still am learning, that I constantly look for some sort of embrace. Whether my search is on the front lines of my thoughts or not, I am subconsciously seeking for someone, something, to fill this void of

For once in my young life I had realized that instead of a pursuit for a soul single person, I needed to be in heavy pursuit of an all knowing, matchmaking, loving God who would give me more than I could ever receive from anybody on earth.

Sorry, self, I have to rely on the greater counselor within to be connected above so then perhaps I will have some connection during my life on earth... grounded like hot wires to never be severed because... you can't have a positive charge without a negative.

I'm not talking good and bad, I'm talking linear infinity. Think of a timeline. The number 0 is neutral... then the number system goes in all directions infinitely. I was going to say both directions, but there are so much more. I believe time in essence of "here and now is drawn out in a shape similar to a cylinder cone...

It makes sense to me I assure you, but if you were to take this object and look at it from a birds eye view It may seem flat or non-dimensional... what is extraordinary is that here in now resides within that point... with infinity surrounding us wherever we go... Look at life from a different perspective and you will see that your life has infinite dimension.

The ∞ of your life meets up with the ∞ of God and that's where the magic happens.

You're probably thinking "this girl is crazy. Thought she was talking about God and now we are on the topic of cylinder cones and infinity... this makes total sense." And it does because God is infinite!!!
We can never understand God completely but there is an access to his understanding and wisdom and knowledge for life and who He is if you ask for it..

Whether you know Him or not... He wants to know who you are. all you need to know is that you have infinity laced in your DNA and if you have any desire to figure it out you best start by discovering, learning, and spending time with the infinite designer of infinity.

I know I have. Will you???

P.S. Thanks young missionary chap -- my brain, my heart, and my soul are racing for the lineage of infinity.

Also... beautiful art by ~vladstudio...

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