Thursday, December 15, 2011

Take into consideration...

The crush concept.

There is much to discover about physical attraction and its ability to take our subconscious dependency to an extreme high.

You know what I'm talking about.

That almost near perfect person just walked into your life! The conversation was intriguing and life altering... You have a billion thoughts racing in your mine about what you are sure to say, but your vocal chords have struck out and called it quits. As a matter of fact, your entire brain has temporarily shut down. There's nothing you can say or do to express how you feel!

Until..... You jump into your car and let out the squealy-ish scream of your dear life!

Everything starts functioning again! You are completely- not normal. But that is okay. No one really is what we call NORMAL. Life is in to much opposition to that term.

To resume... The crush sets in. Nothing you can possibly do will let this hunk or hottie leave your crazy brain!!!

This is the point in my young history that I have first discovered a way of retaliating this obsessive mental behavior.


Please. Revoke. All. Yippee. Excitement. Reverences. haha

"Hey, God! I'm thinking about ______ again. And again, and again, and again! I just really can't use any distractions in my life. All I want is to figure out what's wrong, or going on with me that I just want to run away from my feelings. Feelings are dumb... but wait. I've said for a long time I've been thinking about what 'he' might be like and this is a really good chance, that, well... I don't want to say much more because I just want to figure out what you want out of me first."

This is an ongoing adventure to discover the physical laws of a crush. It's crazy, but I'm learning.

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